31. Dezember 2019


and she whispered:
"when you choose love,
i hope you choose yourself too."

(found on Instagram)

"Letter of Recommendation: Make New Year’s Resolutions That Have Nothing to Do With Weight Loss" by Your Fat Friend


30. Dezember 2019

"Zuhause" von Fynn Kliemann

Mein Zuhause ist kein Ort,
das bist du.

Du bringst mir bei,
dass Leben manchmal reicht.


29. Dezember 2019


When my mind and body say "ENOUGH",
I will honor them by listening and resting.
Just because I can grind 24 hours a day
doesn't mean I should.

(found on Instagram)

28. Dezember 2019

Crash Landing On You, 2019

But the world isn't a flower field.
You shouldn't be good to people
who beat you up.
Those who throw punches
don't know how much it hurts.
Only those who take punches do.

 - Se Ri Yoon

24. Dezember 2019

Last Christmas, 2019

Sorgenvoll, ich?
Du sollst nur nicht vor den Kunden tot umfallen.
Ich hab nur nicht genügend Lametta da, um deine Leiche zu bedecken.

 - Santa

23. Dezember 2019

Ram Dass

When you go out into the woods and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent... you sort of understand that it didn't get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don't get all emotional about it. You just allow it.
The minute you get near humans, you lose all that. And you are constantly saying "You are too this, or I'm too this." That judgement mind comes in. And so I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are.

7. Dezember 2019

Kurt Cobain

Ich werde lieber für das gehasst,
was ich bin,
als für das geliebt zu werden,
was ich nicht bin.

30. November 2019

Frühstück für Helden (1999)

Sie müssen nicht verrückt sein,
um hier zu arbeiten, aber ... es hilft bestimmt.

29. November 2019

F. Scott Fitzgerald

There are all kinds of love in this world
but never the same love twice.

28. November 2019

Oscar Wilde

Manche verursachen Freude,
wo auch immer sie hingehen,
andere wann auch immer sie gehen.

17. November 2019

Iain Thomas

And every day,
the world will drag you by the hand,
  "This is important!
  And this is important!
  And this is important!
  You need to worry about this!
  And this!
  And this!"
And each day,
it's up to you to yank your hand back,
put it on your heart and say,
 "No. This is what’s important."

9. November 2019

Der Herr der Ringe, Die Gefährten (2001)

Ich kenn die Hälfte von euch nur halb so gut wie ich es gern möchte
und ich mag weniger als die Hälfte von euch auch nur halb so gern wie ihr es verdient.
-Bilbo Beutlin

3. November 2019

VIP (2019)

Na Jung Sun: Have you ever experienced the feeling of
             someone you thought you knew well
             suddenly becoming a complete stranger?


Song Mi Na: Isn't it a mistake to even think
            that we know another person well?
            We think that a part of the person we see
            is that someone's true self.
            Don't we all have at least one secret
            we keep from others.

Na Jung Sun: Is that so?

Song Mi Na: Isn't that the case with you?

28. Oktober 2019

Little Women (2019)

Just because my dreams are different than yours
it doesn’t mean they aren't important.

24. Oktober 2019

Uptown Girls (2003)

Other people always let you down.
Why don't you forget them
and do something for yourself?

23. Oktober 2019

Tabu der Gerechten (1947)

No, no, I'm fine.
I just wish I was dead, that's all.

-Phil Green

22. Oktober 2019

Marcel Duschamp

Not everyone is an artist but everyone is a fucking critic.

21. Oktober 2019

3. Oktober 2019

Patricia Gregson, Shooter (2017)

Wenn Ihre Freunde Ihnen Schwierigkeiten bereiten,
sind es keine Freunde.

22. September 2019

"Black Saturday" by Mando Diao

I hope you choke yourself to death

3. September 2019

Mae West, I'm No Angel (1933)

When I'm good,
I'm very good.
But when I'm bad,
I'm better.

How To Get Away With Murder, 2014

He doesn't love me.
But here's the thing.
I love me.
So, I'm done.

2. September 2019

Chibi Unity - I Won't Complain


18. August 2019

The Random Stories

It's okay to have bad days.
It's not okay to let them
Define who you are.

(found on Instagram)

13. August 2019

Designated Survivor: 60 Days, 2019

Secretary Cha: Your head isn't an ornament to look pretty.
               Think about it. [...].
               Are you naive or stupid?

9. August 2019

Allen Mae

my arms are wide open
to all the possibilities
i can be
without you

(found on Instagram)

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky

Things change.
And friends leave.
Life doesn't stop for anybody.
I do not crave anyone who will fix me.
Just someone who will hold my hand while I fix myself.

2. August 2019

Just Between Lovers, 2017

They say a person's pet
who died earlier
is waiting for a person
when he dies.

1. August 2019

Terry Pratchett

Chaos is found in greatest abundance
wherever order is being sought.
It always defeats order,
because it is better organized.

"Sourcery" by Terry Pratchett

"I meant," said Ipsolde bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

"Schweinsgalopp" von Terry Pratchett

"Der Busche ist übergeschnappt."
"Er ist exzentrisch."
"Worin besteht der Unterschied?"
"Aus einer Menge Geld."

27. Juli 2019

16. Juli 2019

"Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels" by Todrick

11. Juni 2019

"Spring" by Blender Animation Studio

10. Juni 2019

Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

So, do it. Decide.
  Is this the life you want to live?
  Is this the person you want to love?
  Is this the best you can be?
  Can you be stronger?
  Kinder? More compassionate?
Breathe in.
Breathe out
and decide.

"The Year in Ugliness" by Arabelle Sicardi

What part of yourself did you have to destroy
in order to survive in the world this year?
But most importantly:
what have you found
to be unkillable?

20. Mai 2019

N. M. Sanchez

I wish I wasn't such a dreamer.
I've ruined this life for myself.

19. Mai 2019

Charles Bukowski

How can you say you love one person when there are ten thousand people in the world
that you would love more if you ever met them? But you’ll never meet them.
All right, so we do the best we can. Granted.
But we must still realize that love is just
the result of a chance encounter.

Mark Twain

Never allow someone to be your priority
while allowing yourself to be their option.

Sue Zhao

You have so much to give
and one day you will learn
to give it to the right people.

S. C. Lourie

Just for the record darling,
not all positive change feels positive in the beginning.

11. Mai 2019

The Secret Life of My Secretary, 2019

Don't blame me for your expectations.
Expectations are nothing but false hope.

 - Do Min Ik

8. Mai 2019

"Why" by NF

I don't trust the thoughts that come inside my head (woo!)
I don't trust this thing that beats inside my chest
Who I am and who I wanna be cannot connect; why?
I push away the people that I love the most; why?
I don't want no one to know I'm vulnerable; why?
That makes me feel weak and so uncomfortable; why?
Stop askin' me questions, I just wanna feel alive
Until I die —
I'm a busy person, got no time for lies
A lot of people know me, but not a lot know me well
Hold my issues up for all to see, like show and tell
A lot of people know me, but they don't know me well

5. Mai 2019

"Pink in the Night" by Mitski

I glow pink in the night in my room
I've been blossoming alone over you

And I hear my heart breaking tonight
I hear my heart breaking tonight
Do you hear it too?
It's like a summer shower
With every drop of rain singing
"I love you, I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you, I love you!"

I could stare at your back all day
I could stare at your back all day

And I know I've kissed you before, but
I didn't do it right
Can I try again, try again, try again
Try again, and again, and again
And again, and again, and again


1. Mai 2019

28. April 2019

"Calm Down" by G-Eazy

So bitch, come and say to my face you don't like me


"I Mean It" by G-Eazy

Listen, I'm tellin' you,
it's my world,
I does what I wish to

If you're mad
well, too bad
sounds like a
personal issue

26. April 2019

"Cellophane" by FKA twigs

24. April 2019

American Gods, 2019

Shadow Moon: Du hast mich nachdenken lassen. 1933 befreite Roosevelt die USA vom
             Goldstandard, richtig?

Mr. Wednesday: Ja, und?

Shadow Moon: Man kann nicht in einer Bank Geld gegen Gold oder Silber tauschen. Du sagtest,
             Geld sei der mächtigste Gott in Amerika, aber Geld ist eigentlich gar nichts Wert.

Mr. Wednesday: [nimmt einen 1 Dollar Schein] Ich habe hier ein Stück Papier. Aber ich will
               diesen Salzstreuer. Du besitzt den Salzstreuer, aber du bist bereit ihn gegen
               mein Stück Papier jetzt einzutauschen. Und wieso solltest du das tun? Ganz
               einfach. Weil das hier eigentlich kein Stück Papier ist, sondern eine
               Geschichte. Eine Geschichte, die du wieder und wieder und wieder gehört hast.
               Dir wurde eingehämmert, dass das hier etwas Wert ist, dass es wertvoll ist.
               Egal, welches Land, welche Kultur oder Religion, die ganze Welt liebt  G e l d.
               Die größte Geschichte, die je erzählt wurde.

21. April 2019

Virginia Woolf

The weather varies between heavy fog and pale sunshine;
My thoughts follow the exact same process.

[Diary entry dated 21 April 1918]

12. April 2019

Brotherhood, Vibe XXIV 2019

  • Wide View
  • Front Row

9. April 2019

"Richtig Gutes Zeug" von Deichkind

5. April 2019

V, 10.12.2017, Korea - (Burn The Stage: The Movie, 2018)

I've learned to look back and
appreciate my times of trial
as they are also what made me.

4. April 2019

RM, 13.03.2017, Chile - (Burn The Stage: The Movie, 2018)

Looking for answers
when there aren't any,
but we still learn.
Isn't that what life is about?

2. April 2019

Smile with your teeth darling.
Do not be afraid to show the world 
that you would eat it whole.

15. März 2019

Purple Buddha Quotes

Maybe home is nothing but
two arms holding you tight
when you're at your worst.

(found here)

14. März 2019

"Baby Come Back" by Player

12. März 2019

4. März 2019

Victoria Erickson

If you inherently long for something,
become it first.
  If you want gardens, become the gardener. 
  If you want love, embody love. 
  If you want mental stimulation, change the conversation. 
  If you want peace, exude calmness. 
  If you want to fill your world with artists, begin to paint. 
  If you want to be valued, respect your own time. 
  If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. 
This is how to draw it in,
day by day,
inch by inch.

What's Wrong With Secretary Kim? (2018)

I want to be in the kind of relationship
where I feel like the tiredness of my day
gets washed off just
by hugging you once
even if you don't make
my heart flutter
every second.

Mahatma Gandhi

You never know what results will come from your action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no result.

28. Februar 2019

24. Februar 2019

The Beauty Inside (2012)

22. Februar 2019

"The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" by Haruki Murakami

You're not a kid anymore. You have the right to choose your own life. You can start again. If you want a cat, all you have to do is choose a life in which you can have a cat. It's simple. It's your right.

"Things The Grandchildren Should Know" by Mark Oliver Everett

Maybe I don't like people as much as the rest of
the world seems to... But occasionally, people will
pleasantly surprise me and I'll fall in love with
them, so go figure.

21. Februar 2019

D. Antoinette Foy

I wear the universe backwards. I imagine putting stars in my coffee, and sugar in the sky. I imagine going fishing in clouds, and watching the sun hide behind lakes. I'm too busy dancing with my imagination to even tip toe with reality for a second. They say I'm going mad. They're right.

16. Februar 2019

"The Selected Essays" by Jean-Paul Sartre

Every word has consequences.
Every silence, too.

14. Februar 2019

"Hunger Makes Me" by Jess Zimmerman

The low-maintenance woman, the ideal woman, has no appetite. This is not to say that she refuses food, sex, romance, emotional effort; to refuse is petulant, which is ironically more demanding. The woman without appetite politely finishes what's on her plate, and declines seconds. She is satisfied and satisfiable.

A man's appetite can be hearty, but a woman with an appetite is always voracious: her hunger always overreaches, because it is not supposed to exist. If she wants food, she is a glutton. If she wants sex, she is a slut. If she wants emotional care-taking, she is a high-maintenance bitch or, worse, an “attention whore”: an amalgam of sex-hunger and care-hunger, greedy not only to be fucked and paid but, most unforgivably of all, to be noticed.

Nikita Gill

You are no one's
other half.

You are a whole,
an enough,
a complete being
in and of yourself.

Falling in love
with someone
should never ever
change that about you.

Two wholes make a whole.
Don't let society's silly sayings
tell you anything

12. Februar 2019

"The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss

Perhaps the greatest faculty our minds possess is the ability to cope with pain. Classic thinking teaches us of the four doors of the mind, which everyone moves through according to their need.
First is the door of sleep. Sleep offers us a retreat from the world and all its pain. Sleep marks passing time, giving us distance from the things that have hurt us. When a person is wounded they will often fall unconscious. Similarly, someone who hears traumatic news will often swoon or faint. This is the mind's way of protecting itself from pain by stepping through the first door.
Second is the door of forgetting. Some wounds are too deep to heal, or too deep to heal quickly. In addition, many memories are simply painful, and there is no healing to be done. The saying 'time heals all wounds' is false. Time heals most wounds. The rest are hidden behind this door.
Third is the door of madness. There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. While this may not seem beneficial, it is. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind.
Last is the door of death. The final resort. Nothing can hurt us after we are dead, or so we have been told.

9. Februar 2019

David Budbill

Tomorrow we are bones and ash,
the roots of weeds poking through our skulls.
Today, simple clothes,
empty mind, full stomach,
alive, aware, right here, right now.
Drunk on music, who needs wine?
Come on, Sweetheart, let's go dancing
while we've still got feet.

"The Fourth Sign of the Zodiac" by Mary Oliver

I know, you never intended to be in this world.
But you're in it all the same.

So why not get started immediately.

I mean, belonging to it.
There is so much to admire, to weep over.

And to write music or poems about.

Bless the feet that take you to and fro.
Bless the eyes and the listening ears.
Bless the tongue, the marvel of taste.
Bless touching.

8. Februar 2019

Nicole Addison

If you love something, don't rush it.
Allow yourself to feel it.
Embrace it.
Let its essence touch your heart, and
light up your world in the most wondrous of ways.
To love is a beautiful feeling,
so allow for this experience to unfold for you.

3. Februar 2019

Sylvia Plath

I want to taste and glory in each day,
and never be afraid to experience pain;
and never shut myself up in a numb core of nonfeeling,
or stop questioning and criticizing life and take the easy way out.
To learn and think: to think and live; to live and learn:
this always, with new insight, new understanding, and new love.

1. Februar 2019

Stephen Levine

Our suffering is caused by
holding on to how things
might have been,
should have been,
could have been.

Emily Mcdowell

"Finding yourself"
is not really how it works.
You aren't a ten dollar bill 
in last winter's coat pocket. 
You are also not lost. 
Your true self is right there, buried 
under cultural conditioning, other 
people's opinions, and inaccurate 
conclusions you drew as a kid that 
became your beliefs about who you are.
"Finding yourself" is actually 
returning to yourself.
An unlearning, an excavation, 
a remembering of who you were 
before the world got its hands on you.

31. Januar 2019

"Lust for Life" by Sylvester McNutt III

Everyone doesn't need access to
you. Some people are draining and
they don't even know it. You're
allowed to say no, you're allowed to
not answer your calls, you're allowed to
break plans, and if you need to save
yourself do it. 

"Where She Went" by Gayle Forman

But still, I find the need to remind myself of the temporariness of a day,
to reassure myself that I got through yesterday,
I’ll get through today.

30. Januar 2019

We call ships 'she.' We call our war machines 'women.' We compare women to black widows and vipers. And you're going to tell me it’s not 'lady-like' to scream, to take up space, to fight and demand respect and do whatever the hell I want. You've looked at nuclear bombs and been so in awe that you could only name them after women. Don't try to down-play my power.

(found on tumblr)

29. Januar 2019

The best way to get things done is simply to begin.

19. Januar 2019

Sue Zhao

Sometimes when you were hurting, all you wanted was for someone to come and hold you until you stopped shaking. And all too often, no one would come.
And so, you learned to hold yourself.
And so, you learned to find sanctuary within your own mind.
And so, like this, you learned to survive.

10. Januar 2019

"Alive" by Arati Warrier

One day, I plan to love so loudly,
my body abandons every demon
harvesting me.

1. Januar 2019

Sun Tzu

However desperate the situation and circumstances, don't despair.
When there is everything to fear, be unafraid.
When surrounded by dangers, fear none of them.
When without resources, depend on resourcefulness.
When surprised, take the enemy by surprise.