28. Februar 2018

Man x Man, 2017

Why do people believe
the words are all true?
Why does everyone think
everything said in words...
...is the truth?

(Note: It's essentially the same sentence,
just different translations. The first is from
Netflix, the second from a YouTube video.)

27. Februar 2018

Rupi Kaur

it has been one of the greatest and most difficult years
of my life. i learned everything is temporary. moments. 
feelings. people. flowers. i learned love is about giving.
everything. and letting it hurt. i learned vulnerability 
is always the right choice because it is easy to be cold 
in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. 
i learned all things come in twos: life and death, pain 
and joy, sugar and salt, me and you. it is the balance of 
the universe. it has been the year of hurting so bad but 
living so good. making friends out of strangers. making 
strangers out of friends, learning mint chocolate chip 
ice cream will fix just about everything. and for the 
pains it can't, there will always be my mother's arms. 
We must learn to focus on warm energy. always. soak 
our limbs in it and become better lovers to the world. 
for if we can’t learn to be kinder to each other how will 
we ever learn to be kinder to the most desperate 
parts of ourselves.

26. Februar 2018

"Is It Love" by Rae Garvey ft. Kool Savas

Time stands still for no one
So get up off your knees
Stand still for no one
And no one's greed

It's enough, it's enough, you put your head in the ground
Look up, look up, your world is crumbling down around you
Oh, wake up

Ich hab' nie gelernt auch anzukommen, musst' immer weiter rennen
Fühl' mich gleich eingegrenzt von allem

> Listen On: 

25. Februar 2018

"Girl" by The Internet ft. Kaytranada


22. Februar 2018

And if I asked you
to name all the things 
that you love, 
how long 
would it take 
for you 
to name 

"Neuanfang" von Clueso


20. Februar 2018

"You" by Brown Eyed Soul

17. Februar 2018

Sanober Khan

Your hand
touching mine.
This is how

16. Februar 2018

"La Peste" by Albert Camus

The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they lack understanding. On the whole, men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. But they are more or less ignorant, and it is this that we call vice or virtue; the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance that fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill. The soul of the murderer is blind; and there can be no true goodness nor true love without the utmost clear-sightedness.

15. Februar 2018

"Perfect Storm" by Sam Tsui


"Surrender" by Natalie Taylor


Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard


14. Februar 2018

"Twisted" by Missio

I'm uncontrollable, emotional
Chaotically proportional
I'm visceral, re-loadable
I'm crazy
Everybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted, twisted

Just Between Lovers, 2017 - Ep. 2

Lee Gang Doo: It's already too late for me.
Jeong Sook Hee/ Grandmother: Something to brag about, huh? Crazy bastard.
Lee Gang Doo: How can I live without going crazy? In this crazy world?

13. Februar 2018

My Love From The Star, 2013 OST


Oh My Venus, OST


"Dancing" by Kylie Minogue

Everybody's got a story 
Let it be your blaze of glory 
Burning bright, never fade away 
And when the final curtain falls, we could say we did it all 
The never ending of a perfect day
When I go out, I wanna go out dancing


12. Februar 2018

"P*nis Song" by Macklemore


(But also, on a more serious note: Self-love, self-acceptance and self-confidence is important. For everyone out there. So, take care of yourself! ♡)

11. Februar 2018

James Veitch, TED

  1. This is what happens when you reply to spam email
  2. More adventures in replying to spam
  4. The agony of trying to unsubscribe

10. Februar 2018

"Breathe" by Lee Hi


Bride of the Water God, Ep. 15

I heard that if stories fade away by sunlight, they become history
and if they are lit by moonlight, they become legends.
Our story will become a legend.

9. Februar 2018

Gregory Orr

And yet I swear
I love this earth
that scars and scalds,
that burns my feet.

And even hell is holy.

8. Februar 2018

"Champion" by Barns Courtney

Christopher Poindexter

  • It was rather beautiful: the way he put her insecurities to sleep. The way he dove into her eyes and starved all the fears and tasted all the dreams she kept coiled beneath her bones.
  • And in the end, we were all just humans... drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness.
  • I will never be a morning person, for the moon and I are too much in love.
  • Tears are the silent passion for suffering.

"Walk On Water" by Eminem


Eddie Brock, Venom (2018)

Everyone's got their thing.
Maybe it's a breakup,
a death,
an accident.
Whatever it is,
you used to be one thing.
Now, you're something else.
We all have our own problems, 
our own issues, 
our own... demons.

6. Februar 2018

Just Between Lovers, 2017

Men are attractive when they're small and stout.
If he's tall, your neck would hurt.

4. Februar 2018

Rain DeGrey

My view is that your body is the greatest toy you will be ever given. Most people are afraid to play with it. They are ashamed. They're scared. They don't even know how their own body works.

3. Februar 2018

"Syndrome" by CIKI


Listen on SoundCloud

"I Have Questions" by Camila Cabello

I was there, I was there, when no one was
Now you're gone and I'm here

I have questions for you
Number one: tell me who you think you are?
You've got some nerve tryin' to tear my faith apart
 (I have questions)
Number two: why would you try and play me for a fool?
I should have never, ever, ever trusted you
 (I have questions)
Number three: why weren't you, who you swore that you would be?
I have questions
I've got questions haunting me

2. Februar 2018

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds, Ep. 4

Wozu braucht Ihr Gift,
wenn Ihr sie mit süßem Honig töten könnt?

1. Februar 2018

I'm late.
I didn't
want to

"Needed Me" by Rihanna



Auf welche psychische Störung auch immer dies zurückzuführen ist: Das wäre auch mir so was von egal.

Ich bin nicht auf dieser Welt, um mich kaputtmachen zu lassen durch aggressive Ausbrüche - wie auch immer die aussehen - von Borderlinern, Bipolaren, Alkoholikern, Junkies, Patienten mit narzisstischen Persönlichkeitsstörungen, was auch immer...

Ich bin keine Psychiatrische Anstalt, wo solches wirkungsvoll behandelt werden kann.

Allen psychisch kranken Menschen egal welcher Art wünsche ich von Herzen alles Gute. Jedoch bin nicht ich als Partnerin für deren Heilung zuständig. Das KANN ich nicht.

Ich bin ein Mensch mit Anspruch auf eine liebevolle und gewaltfreie Partnerschaft, die ich nun nach langem endlich gefunden habe. Ich muss schliesslich auch selber gesund bleiben.