29. September 2016

“I don’t want to be told I’m pretty as I am - I want to live in a world where that’s irrelevant” by Laurie Penny, New Statesman, 11th of May 2013

Rather than fighting for every woman's right to feel beautiful, I would like to see the return of a kind of feminism that tells women and girls everywhere that maybe it's all right not to be pretty and perfectly well behaved. That maybe women who are plain, or large, or old, or differently abled, or who simply don't give a damn what they look like because they're too busy saving the world or rearranging their sock drawer, have as much right to take up space as anyone else.
I think if we want to take care of the next generation of girls we should reassure them that power, strength and character are more important than beauty and always will be, and that even if they aren't thin and pretty, they are still worthy of respect. That feeling is the birthright of men everywhere. It's about time we claimed it for ourselves.

28. September 2016

Alfred Selacher

Gedanken können heilen,
Katzenschnurren auch.

27. September 2016

"Making Things Perfectly Queer: Interpreting Mass Culture" by Alexander Doty

Queer readings aren’t “alternative” readings, wishful or willful misreadings, or “reading too much into things” readings. They result from the recognition and articulation of the complex range of queerness that has been in popular culture texts and their audiences all along.

"The Celluloid Closet" by Harvey Fierstein

All the reading I was given to do in school was always heterosexual, every movie I saw was heterosexual, and I had to do this translation. I had to translate it to my life rather than seeing my life. Which is why when people say to me, “Your work is not really gay work, it's universal.” And I say, “Up yours. It's gay. And that you can take it, and translate it to your own life is very nice, but, at last, I don't have to do the translating. You do.

25. September 2016

Leonard McCoy

In space nobody will hear me complain but that won't stop me. Nothing can.

24. September 2016

Chris Evans

Listen, a love scene doesn't have to be between a man and a woman. It can be any way you want it.

23. September 2016

John C. Moffi

We mistake sex for romance. Guys are taught that pushing a girl against a wall is romance. Sex is easy, you can do it with anyone, yourself, with batteries. Romance is when someone you like walks into a room and they take your breath away. Romance is when two people are dancing and they fit together perfectly. Romance is when two people are walking next to each other and all of a sudden they find themselves holding hands, and they don't know how that happened.

22. September 2016

"This Side of Paradise" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I'm a slave to my emotions, to my likes, to my hatred of boredom, to most of my desires.

Louise Brealey

You don't have to have a boyfriend to be happy. To be pretty. Or belong.

20. September 2016

Albert Schweitzer

Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, vor dem Elend des Lebens zu flüchten: Musik und Katzen.

15. September 2016


Du schlingst deine Beine doch um alles, was Geld hat. Du hast es sogar bei einer Parkuhr versucht.

Remington Miller

I found I was more confident when I stopped trying to be someone else's definition of beautiful and started being my own.

14. September 2016

Nikita Gill

I swore I would never want another, but have you met the boy? He carries lightning in his fingertips with skin made from flames. I knew from the moment he touched me I was ashes to his name.

13. September 2016

I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive.

(found on tumblr)

12. September 2016

"Start A Riot" by Banners

I will march down an empty street like a ship into the storm
No surrender, no retreat
I will tear down every wall
Just to keep you warm
Just to bring you home
I will burn this city down for a diamond in the dust
I will keep you safe and sound when there's no one left to trust
Will you take my hand?
We can make our stand

If your world falls apart
I'd start a riot
If night falls in your heart
I'd light the fire
In the dark, when you sound the alarm
We'll find each other's arms
For your love, all you are
I'd start a riot

I will wade through the fire and smoke like sunlight through the haze
I will fight till the flag waves white until my dying days
Through the bombs and blasts
We will take it back


If your world falls apart
I'd start a riot

9. September 2016

I am not controversial

My name
Is not controversial
No matter who else’s it attaches to
No Mrs nor Ms nor Missus
Can change this.

My lips
Are not controversial
Not their lack of color
Or the words that leave them
Can change this.

My clothes
Are not controversial
Not their shortness
Or largeness
Can change this.

I am not controversial.

There is no controversy
Between my legs
Of what is
Or isn’t

I am a woman.

I am not controversial.
There is no contradiction
Between me and myself
That lies
In the layers of
My womanhood.

(found on tumblr)

4. September 2016

Danu Grayson

I'm quirky, silly, blunt, and broken. My days are sometimes too dark, and my nights are sometimes too long. I often trip over my own insecurities. I require attention, long for passion, and wish to be desired. I use music to speak when words fail me, even though words are as important to me as the air I breathe. I love hard and with all that I have… and even with my faults, I am worth loving.

2. September 2016

"A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara

Why wasn't friendship as good as a relationship? Why wasn't it even better? It was two people who remained together, day after day, bound not by sex or physical attraction or money or children or property, but only by the shared agreement to keep going, the mutual dedication to a union that could never be codified.

1. September 2016

Glück ist, wenn der Verstand tanzt, das Herz atmet und die Augen lieben.