27. Dezember 2015

"a poem written by someone too bland to be immortalized in blood or ink." by (r.a.)

Poets write about about beauty,
they write about flaws and eccentricities,
and sunlight filtering through golden hair.
It’s ridiculous; it’s laughable -
what is beauty in the modern age?

When I went to the Louvre there was an entire room -
an entire room! -
full of newspaper covered in ink.
It was art and people stood too closely to it,
‘ooh’d’ and ‘ahh’d’ because they thought they were supposed to.

I don’t think I want to be something beautiful,
something comparable to newspaper clippings
dip-dyed in black ink, looking like the leftovers
of some toddler’s craft.

I want to be loved, I want to be fierce;
I want fire in my veins and ash on my lips,
but I don’t want to be poetry.