30. September 2020

"The World" by C.X. Hua

Somehow, you grow lonelier
than the world that contains you.
That is why you so
want to be touched.

26. September 2020

"Rose" by aeJ

Don't you know that nothing's really ever beautiful
We're all just broken windows 
What you see depends from where you set your eye

25. September 2020

"Find Me" by Sigma ft. Birdy

If you're ready, heart is open
I'll be waiting
Come find me

If you're searching for forever
I'll be waiting
Come find me

BTS return to the United Nations | UNICEF

Our tomorrow may be dark, painful, difficult. And we might stumble or fall down.

But the stars shine brightest when the night is darkest. And if the stars are hidden,

we'll let moonlight guide us. If even the moon is dark, let our faces be the light

that helps us find our way. Let's reimagine our world. We're huddled together tired, 

but let's dream again. Let's dream about a future when our worlds can break out 

of our small rooms again. It might feel like it's always night and we'll always be alone, 

but the night is always the darkest before the first light of dawn.


23. September 2020

Record of Youth, 2020

We have it rough from birth,
so all we can do
is find our own fun in life.

22. September 2020

"Magnus Chase - Das Schwert des Sommers" von Rick Riordan

   "Paradoxe Bestandteile?"

   Blitz hielt ein Ende des Seils hoch und stieß einen beifälligen

Pfiff aus. "Er meint Dinge, die es eigentlich gar nicht geben dürfte.

Es ist sehr schwer mit paradoxen Bestandteilen zu arbeiten, sehr

gefährlich. Gleipnir enthielt das Stampfen einer Katze, den Speichel

eines Vogels, den Atemzug eines Fisches und den Bart einer Frau."

   "Weiß ja nicht, ob das Letzte so paradox ist", sagte ich. "Die Ver-

rückte Alice in Chinatown hat einen ziemlich überzeugenden Bart."

   Junior schnaubte. "Das Entscheidende ist, dass dieser Strick

noch besser hält. Ich nenne ihn Andskoti, den Teufel. Er ist aus den

mächstigsten Widersprüchlichkeiten in den Neun Welten geknüpft:

Wi-Fi ohne zeitliche Verzögerung, die Ehrlichkeit von Politikern,

gesunde frittierte Kost und eine interessante Vorlesung über Gram-


   "Stimmt", gab ich zu. "Das gibt es alles nicht."

21. September 2020

"50 proof" by eaJ

do you still wake to sunsets
and eat home alone
watching the moon rise 
asking on and on
what's gone wrong

20. September 2020

I Origins, 2014

Dr. Ian Gray: What's your favorite flower?

Sofi: Dandelions.

Dr. Ian Gray: Okay. Why?

Sofi: 'Cause, they're free, wild, and you can't buy them.
Together with you 
is my favourite 
place to be.

Jorge Luis Borges

Being with you
and not being with you
is the only way 
I have 
to measure time.

"in what the lost use to guide themselves home" by Abby S.

there's a shakiness to your voice, a doubt that I can only try to alter

and it's feeling the beat of your heart against my hand
that pounding noise that quiets the chaos
ends the foreboding sense of doom surrounding us

and I'm here
standing between you and the universe's need to ruin
I will run to fight for you for my entire life
that's the subtext of our vows, darling

and the world narrows down to you and me
to the future that we can create
and to the light we already shine,
pushing away the stars in what is talked about as stories

*(found on tumblr)

Veronica Mars

Logan: I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me.

Veronica: Epic how?

Logan: Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. Epic. 
       But summer's almost here, and we won't see each other at all. 
       And then you leave town... and then it's over.

Veronica: Logan...

Logan: I'm sorry about last summer. You know, if I could do it over...

Veronica: Come on. Ruined lives? Bloodshed? You really think a relationship 
          should be that hard?

Logan: No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.

18. September 2020

Ad Astra, 2020

The near future.
A time of both hope and conflict.
Humanity looks to the stars for intelligent life
and the promise of progress.

17. September 2020

Elon Musk

If something is important enough, 
even if the odds are stacked against you, 
you should still do it.

14. September 2020

The Boys, 2020

Fuck this world for confusing nice with good
Be a bitch if you want. Be whatever.
Just drop the mask once in a while. 
(Feels good. You can finally breathe.)

- Stormfront

5. September 2020

 Je t'aime plus qu'hier mais moins que demain.

~ I love you more than yesterday, but less than I'll love you tomorrow.

~ Ich liebe dich mehr als gestern, aber weniger als morgen.

(Johnny Farago - Je t'aime)

Albert Einstein

It's harder to crack
a prejudice than an atom.

1. September 2020

Record of Youth, 2020

Some may root against you,
but there are others
who root for you.