31. August 2020

James Blake "Are You Even Real" - Choreography by Anthony Lee

I spend the day
dreaming of connection

"my future" by Billie Eilish

'Cause I, I'm in love
With my future
Can't wait to meet her
And I, I'm in love
But not with anybody else
Just wanna get to know myself 

I know supposedly I'm lonely now 
Know I'm supposed to be unhappy without someone
But aren't I someone?

30. August 2020

Natalie Goldberg

Write what disturbs you,
what you fear,
what you have not been willing to speak about.
Be willing to be split open.

29. August 2020

The Catch, 2016

I'm so tired of hearing men say 
they are trying to protect us 
when what that does is take away our choices. 
This is your life. These are your choices to make. 
But they're yours. Not his.

- Alice Vaughan

28. August 2020

James Stewart

I think one day you'll find 
that you're the hero 
you've been looking for.

27. August 2020

"Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White

What do you mean less than nothing? I don't think there is any such thing as less than nothing. Nothing is absolutely the limit of nothingness. It's the lowest you can go. It's the end of the line. How can something be less than nothing? If there were something that was less than nothing, then nothing would not be nothing, it would be something - even though it's just a very little bit of something. But if nothing is nothing, then nothing has nothing that is less than it is.

26. August 2020

"Nobody Speak" by DJ Shadow ft. Run the Jewels

If you're reading this 
release your shoulders from your ears
unclench your jaw and 
remove your tongue from 
the roof of your mouth. 

We physically tend to hold onto stress 
in least noticeable ways. 

16. August 2020

15. August 2020

14. August 2020

11. August 2020

i need to get my life together.
this weather made me realise 
i can't go to hell.

10. August 2020

Ernest Hemingway

You are so brave and quiet 
I forget you are suffering.

1. August 2020

Real friends build you up when you're insecure and, just as importantly, tear you down when you're arrogant. Real friends call each other out on each other's bullshit. Know why some celebrities become self-centered douchebags out of touch with reality? Well, imagine having 
an entourage full of fake friends that never disagree with you for fear they'll lose you. 
The truth is real friends are willing to risk a friendship to give you a slap of reality.

(found here)