30. Juli 2020

Brianna Pastor

You say my name and I choke
up, as if my name is a word from 
some forbidden language that
I've never heard spoken aloud.

Emily Marie McBride

i will run to you. 
and i will run 
until i turn to dust, 
if i must. and if that happens, 
the wind will carry me 
until i reach you.

29. Juli 2020

"The Egyptian Pyramids - Funny Animated Short Film" by Kheops Pyramids


* Viewer Discretion Advised

24. Juli 2020

Robin Lee

One day she remembered that it wasn't her job to make everyone happy.

20. Juli 2020

he loves you and it hurts 

you think of everything and nothing 
in the span of a single moment

you think of yourself, and you think of him

you open your mouth, only to suffocate
beneath the weight of words you cannot say

you love him, and it hurts

19. Juli 2020

"Alarm" by Jang Mu Hyun

15. Juli 2020

"What It Means To Become The ‘Fat Friend’" by Your Fat Friend

“How are you,” I said sharply, voice shaking with irritation.

“I’m a little messed up,” he answered.

“No, you ask me.”



So: be ashamed but confident, doomed but upbeat, abused but unaffected, unbothered by reminders of our own impending deaths.


I want to learn a new language of friendship, and a new kind of fullness. 
I hope we can learn together.

13. Juli 2020

Kingdom, 2019

Das bleibt dann wohl ein Traum, mein Kleiner.
Vergiss deine Träume. Solche wie dich hab ich zu Hauf gesehen.
Träume nützen dir auf dem Schlachtfeld gar nichts.
Träumer sind die Ersten, die in einer Schlacht tragisch zu Grunde gehen.
Träume sind nichts.

Was weiß einer wie du schon von Träumen?
Sie helfen einem aufzustehen und sie treiben einen an.
Träume machen stark, darum träumt man.
Träume machen stark, darum glaube ich an sie.
Du besiegst mich nicht.

Dann träum weiter.

12. Juli 2020

"What happens when you call your fat friend beautiful" by Your Fat Friend

Beautiful, for better or worse, often means loved. 
Fat people are so rarely told we're either. As with telling me you love me, only tell me I'm beautiful if you mean it. And challenge yourself to mean it. Recognize the way it stretches you to call a fat person beautiful, not as an exception, but as a shifting, growing rule. Feel all the things you are rejecting by saying such a simple, common word.

10. Juli 2020

"One day I'll learn how to breathe" by e.r.

My lungs were never meant for breathing
Screaming perhaps, heaving, sobbing even
Just something more violent
Than a simple breath

(found on tumblr)

7. Juli 2020

Avatar: The Last Airbender, 2005

While it is always best to believe in oneself, 
a little help from others can be a great blessing.
 - Iroh

5. Juli 2020

Charles Baudelaire

Her ideas on morals have the same depth of judgment and delicacy of feeling as those of janitresses and kept women ... The fact that there are men who could become enamoured of 
this slut is indeed a proof of the abasement of the men of this generation.

*Charles Baudelaire about George Sand, a 19th century writer in France