25. April 2020

Dr. Seuss

I am weird, you are weird.
Everyone in this world is weird.
One day two people come together in mutual weirdness and fall in love.

21. April 2020

Katherine Mansfield

You are now so fulfilled in your own being,
in being alive, in living, in aspiring towards
a greater sense of life and a deeper loving,

17. April 2020

"Alles was ich hab" von Fynn Kliemann

Ich tausch
'n bisschen Mut
gegen tolle Aussicht
Und wie das geht?
weiß ich auch nicht

Anhören: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrCQGEeasBQ

14. April 2020

"Noir" by Sunmi

11. April 2020

Neil Strauss

Perhaps the biggest mistake I made in the past was that I believed love was about finding the right person. In reality, love is about becoming the right person. Don't look for the person you want to spend your life with. Become the person you want to spend your life with.

8. April 2020

"The Sandman" by Neil Gaiman

Everybody has a secret world inside of them.
All of the people of the world,
I mean everybody.
No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside,
inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent,
wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds.
Not just one world.
Hundreds of them.
Thousands maybe.

6. April 2020

American Animals, 2018

Man(n), ich will nicht, dass du irgendwann aufwachst,
in 10 Jahren oder so, und dich fragst,
was hätte passieren können und
wer du sein könntest.
 - Warren

~ Engl. Ver. ~
Man, I don't want you waking up,
10 years from now, wondering
what could have happened and
who you could have been.
 - Warren

5. April 2020

American Animals, 2018

Hast du schon mal darüber nachgedacht,
wieso du so geboren wurdest, wie du bist?
Hier? Anstatt jemand anders zu sein?

Hast du schon mal das Gefühl gehabt, dass du
darauf wartest, dass etwas passiert? Du weißt aber
nicht auf was. Aber das.. wäre das Ereignis,
das dein Leben besonders macht.
 - Spencer

~ Engl. Ver. ~
You ever wonder, you ended being born you?
Here? And not someone else?

You ever feel like you're waiting for something to
happen? But you don't know what it is. But it is.. that
thing that could your life make special.
 - Spencer

4. April 2020

"Therapist" by Mae Muller


3. April 2020

Virginia Wolf

no need to hurry
no need to sparkle
no need to be anybody
but oneself

2. April 2020

"HELP" by 10cm

1. April 2020

"Diggers" by Terry Pratchett

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is
that people will insist on coming along and
trying to put things in it.