27. Dezember 2020

if it doesn't bring you energy, inspiration or orgasm

it doesn't belong in your life.

 After this year,

I actually want to give 

myself a big hug because

I am still standing.

"Zeit zu tanzen" von Silbermond

Bei all dem Lärm um nichts,
bei all dem Smog, der uns umgibt,
ist es ab und zu Zeit zu tanzen.
Bei all den Gründen zu verzweifeln,
bei allem, was uns um die Ohren fliegt,
ist es hin und wieder Zeit zu tanzen.

"Bloom for Yourself" by April Green

 the earth needs to feel you

the most tragic thing a woman can do is
feel undeserving of the space they take up;
make themselves smaller, shrink.

you must learn to rise every morning
with the unapologetic belief that the
air you breathe belongs to you as much as it
belongs to anyone else.

11. Dezember 2020

Arthur C. Clarke

I don't believe in astrology; 
I'm a Sagittarius and 
we’re skeptical.

6. Dezember 2020

"Breath(넌 날 숨 쉬게 해)" by GOT7

5. Dezember 2020

Fjodor Dostojewski

Wenn es keinen Gott gibt,
dann ist alles erlaubt.

27. November 2020


Niemand realisiert, dass einige Menschen enorm viel Energie aufwenden, nur, um normal zu sein.

~Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.

17. November 2020

Flugmodus" von Clueso


3. November 2020


24. Oktober 2020

Minh D. Tran

Großartiges Design besteht im Weglassen aller unnötigen Details. 

23. Oktober 2020

"Über Gewicht: Mein dickes Leben" von Natalie Rosenke

Natalie Rosenke ist »Ü100«: Bei 1,60 Metern Körpergröße wiegt sie mehr als 100 Kilo. Das ist für sie kein Problem – für viele andere Menschen aber schon. Hier erzählt die 41-Jährige, was es heißt, als dicker Mensch in einer Gesellschaft zu leben, die dünn zu ihrem Ideal erklärt hat. Rosenke ist Vorsitzende der Gesellschaft gegen Gewichtsdiskriminierung. 


22. Oktober 2020

"Home;Run" by Seventeen (세븐틴)

don't step back. don't listen to anyone. 
just do whatever you want ... when the ball comes to you, 
you still have one chance left. don't give up.

just be yourself.
what are so worried about?

"Perm" by Bruno Mars

 Throw some perm on your attitude

30. September 2020

"The World" by C.X. Hua

Somehow, you grow lonelier
than the world that contains you.
That is why you so
want to be touched.

26. September 2020

"Rose" by aeJ

Don't you know that nothing's really ever beautiful
We're all just broken windows 
What you see depends from where you set your eye

25. September 2020

"Find Me" by Sigma ft. Birdy

If you're ready, heart is open
I'll be waiting
Come find me

If you're searching for forever
I'll be waiting
Come find me

BTS return to the United Nations | UNICEF

Our tomorrow may be dark, painful, difficult. And we might stumble or fall down.

But the stars shine brightest when the night is darkest. And if the stars are hidden,

we'll let moonlight guide us. If even the moon is dark, let our faces be the light

that helps us find our way. Let's reimagine our world. We're huddled together tired, 

but let's dream again. Let's dream about a future when our worlds can break out 

of our small rooms again. It might feel like it's always night and we'll always be alone, 

but the night is always the darkest before the first light of dawn.


23. September 2020

Record of Youth, 2020

We have it rough from birth,
so all we can do
is find our own fun in life.

22. September 2020

"Magnus Chase - Das Schwert des Sommers" von Rick Riordan

   "Paradoxe Bestandteile?"

   Blitz hielt ein Ende des Seils hoch und stieß einen beifälligen

Pfiff aus. "Er meint Dinge, die es eigentlich gar nicht geben dürfte.

Es ist sehr schwer mit paradoxen Bestandteilen zu arbeiten, sehr

gefährlich. Gleipnir enthielt das Stampfen einer Katze, den Speichel

eines Vogels, den Atemzug eines Fisches und den Bart einer Frau."

   "Weiß ja nicht, ob das Letzte so paradox ist", sagte ich. "Die Ver-

rückte Alice in Chinatown hat einen ziemlich überzeugenden Bart."

   Junior schnaubte. "Das Entscheidende ist, dass dieser Strick

noch besser hält. Ich nenne ihn Andskoti, den Teufel. Er ist aus den

mächstigsten Widersprüchlichkeiten in den Neun Welten geknüpft:

Wi-Fi ohne zeitliche Verzögerung, die Ehrlichkeit von Politikern,

gesunde frittierte Kost und eine interessante Vorlesung über Gram-


   "Stimmt", gab ich zu. "Das gibt es alles nicht."

21. September 2020

"50 proof" by eaJ

do you still wake to sunsets
and eat home alone
watching the moon rise 
asking on and on
what's gone wrong

20. September 2020

I Origins, 2014

Dr. Ian Gray: What's your favorite flower?

Sofi: Dandelions.

Dr. Ian Gray: Okay. Why?

Sofi: 'Cause, they're free, wild, and you can't buy them.
Together with you 
is my favourite 
place to be.

Jorge Luis Borges

Being with you
and not being with you
is the only way 
I have 
to measure time.

"in what the lost use to guide themselves home" by Abby S.

there's a shakiness to your voice, a doubt that I can only try to alter

and it's feeling the beat of your heart against my hand
that pounding noise that quiets the chaos
ends the foreboding sense of doom surrounding us

and I'm here
standing between you and the universe's need to ruin
I will run to fight for you for my entire life
that's the subtext of our vows, darling

and the world narrows down to you and me
to the future that we can create
and to the light we already shine,
pushing away the stars in what is talked about as stories

*(found on tumblr)

Veronica Mars

Logan: I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me.

Veronica: Epic how?

Logan: Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. Epic. 
       But summer's almost here, and we won't see each other at all. 
       And then you leave town... and then it's over.

Veronica: Logan...

Logan: I'm sorry about last summer. You know, if I could do it over...

Veronica: Come on. Ruined lives? Bloodshed? You really think a relationship 
          should be that hard?

Logan: No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.

18. September 2020

Ad Astra, 2020

The near future.
A time of both hope and conflict.
Humanity looks to the stars for intelligent life
and the promise of progress.

17. September 2020

Elon Musk

If something is important enough, 
even if the odds are stacked against you, 
you should still do it.

14. September 2020

The Boys, 2020

Fuck this world for confusing nice with good
Be a bitch if you want. Be whatever.
Just drop the mask once in a while. 
(Feels good. You can finally breathe.)

- Stormfront

5. September 2020

 Je t'aime plus qu'hier mais moins que demain.

~ I love you more than yesterday, but less than I'll love you tomorrow.

~ Ich liebe dich mehr als gestern, aber weniger als morgen.

(Johnny Farago - Je t'aime)

Albert Einstein

It's harder to crack
a prejudice than an atom.

1. September 2020

Record of Youth, 2020

Some may root against you,
but there are others
who root for you.

31. August 2020

James Blake "Are You Even Real" - Choreography by Anthony Lee

I spend the day
dreaming of connection

"my future" by Billie Eilish

'Cause I, I'm in love
With my future
Can't wait to meet her
And I, I'm in love
But not with anybody else
Just wanna get to know myself 

I know supposedly I'm lonely now 
Know I'm supposed to be unhappy without someone
But aren't I someone?

30. August 2020

Natalie Goldberg

Write what disturbs you,
what you fear,
what you have not been willing to speak about.
Be willing to be split open.

29. August 2020

The Catch, 2016

I'm so tired of hearing men say 
they are trying to protect us 
when what that does is take away our choices. 
This is your life. These are your choices to make. 
But they're yours. Not his.

- Alice Vaughan

28. August 2020

James Stewart

I think one day you'll find 
that you're the hero 
you've been looking for.

27. August 2020

"Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White

What do you mean less than nothing? I don't think there is any such thing as less than nothing. Nothing is absolutely the limit of nothingness. It's the lowest you can go. It's the end of the line. How can something be less than nothing? If there were something that was less than nothing, then nothing would not be nothing, it would be something - even though it's just a very little bit of something. But if nothing is nothing, then nothing has nothing that is less than it is.

26. August 2020

"Nobody Speak" by DJ Shadow ft. Run the Jewels

If you're reading this 
release your shoulders from your ears
unclench your jaw and 
remove your tongue from 
the roof of your mouth. 

We physically tend to hold onto stress 
in least noticeable ways. 

16. August 2020

15. August 2020

14. August 2020

11. August 2020

i need to get my life together.
this weather made me realise 
i can't go to hell.

10. August 2020

Ernest Hemingway

You are so brave and quiet 
I forget you are suffering.

1. August 2020

Real friends build you up when you're insecure and, just as importantly, tear you down when you're arrogant. Real friends call each other out on each other's bullshit. Know why some celebrities become self-centered douchebags out of touch with reality? Well, imagine having 
an entourage full of fake friends that never disagree with you for fear they'll lose you. 
The truth is real friends are willing to risk a friendship to give you a slap of reality.

(found here)

30. Juli 2020

Brianna Pastor

You say my name and I choke
up, as if my name is a word from 
some forbidden language that
I've never heard spoken aloud.

Emily Marie McBride

i will run to you. 
and i will run 
until i turn to dust, 
if i must. and if that happens, 
the wind will carry me 
until i reach you.

29. Juli 2020

"The Egyptian Pyramids - Funny Animated Short Film" by Kheops Pyramids


* Viewer Discretion Advised

24. Juli 2020

Robin Lee

One day she remembered that it wasn't her job to make everyone happy.

20. Juli 2020

he loves you and it hurts 

you think of everything and nothing 
in the span of a single moment

you think of yourself, and you think of him

you open your mouth, only to suffocate
beneath the weight of words you cannot say

you love him, and it hurts

19. Juli 2020

"Alarm" by Jang Mu Hyun

15. Juli 2020

"What It Means To Become The ‘Fat Friend’" by Your Fat Friend

“How are you,” I said sharply, voice shaking with irritation.

“I’m a little messed up,” he answered.

“No, you ask me.”



So: be ashamed but confident, doomed but upbeat, abused but unaffected, unbothered by reminders of our own impending deaths.


I want to learn a new language of friendship, and a new kind of fullness. 
I hope we can learn together.

13. Juli 2020

Kingdom, 2019

Das bleibt dann wohl ein Traum, mein Kleiner.
Vergiss deine Träume. Solche wie dich hab ich zu Hauf gesehen.
Träume nützen dir auf dem Schlachtfeld gar nichts.
Träumer sind die Ersten, die in einer Schlacht tragisch zu Grunde gehen.
Träume sind nichts.

Was weiß einer wie du schon von Träumen?
Sie helfen einem aufzustehen und sie treiben einen an.
Träume machen stark, darum träumt man.
Träume machen stark, darum glaube ich an sie.
Du besiegst mich nicht.

Dann träum weiter.

12. Juli 2020

"What happens when you call your fat friend beautiful" by Your Fat Friend

Beautiful, for better or worse, often means loved. 
Fat people are so rarely told we're either. As with telling me you love me, only tell me I'm beautiful if you mean it. And challenge yourself to mean it. Recognize the way it stretches you to call a fat person beautiful, not as an exception, but as a shifting, growing rule. Feel all the things you are rejecting by saying such a simple, common word.

10. Juli 2020

"One day I'll learn how to breathe" by e.r.

My lungs were never meant for breathing
Screaming perhaps, heaving, sobbing even
Just something more violent
Than a simple breath

(found on tumblr)

7. Juli 2020

Avatar: The Last Airbender, 2005

While it is always best to believe in oneself, 
a little help from others can be a great blessing.
 - Iroh

5. Juli 2020

Charles Baudelaire

Her ideas on morals have the same depth of judgment and delicacy of feeling as those of janitresses and kept women ... The fact that there are men who could become enamoured of 
this slut is indeed a proof of the abasement of the men of this generation.

*Charles Baudelaire about George Sand, a 19th century writer in France

28. Juni 2020

It's Okay to Not Be Okay, 2020

 Moon Kang Tae   
 "What do you want from me? I know you won’t back off until you get it,
  so tell me what you want. What do you want?"

 Ko Mun Yeong
 "'Just take it and leave?'"

 Moon Kang Tae 
 "Yes, if you don’t mind." 

 Ko Mun Yeong 
 "You. — I’ll take it and leave. 
  Moon Kang Tae, what I want is you."

 Moon Kang Tae 
 "Why me?"

 Ko Mun Yeong 
 "Because I can’t stop wanting you."

 Moon Kang Tae 
 "But why?"

  Ko Mun Yeong 
 "Because you’re so pretty. Well, you know. Like shoes, clothes and cars.
  When I see something pretty, I want it. And I need to have what I want. 
  Whether I have to pay for it, steal it or just take it by force. You
  don’t need some grand reason to desire something, right?"

26. Juni 2020

"Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Symphony" by Pteryx Videos

June 26, 1997 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was first published.
The Harry Potter series is officially 20 years old.

22. Juni 2020

21. Juni 2020

It's Okay to Not Be Okay, 2020

Bad memories stay here [taps with her fingers on his chest, over his heart] longer.

20. Juni 2020

The Boy Who Fed On Nightmares

The boy woke up from another awful nightmare. Bad memories from the past
that he wanted to erase from his head were replayed in his dreams every night
and haunted him nonstop. The boy was terrified of falling asleep.

So one day, he went to the witch and begged.

"Please get rid of all my bad memories so that I won't ever have a nightmare again. 
Then I will do everything you ask."

Years went by, and the boy became an adult. He no longer had nightmares. 
But for some strange reason, he wasn't happy at all.

One night, a blood moon filled the night sky, and the witch finally showed up again 
to take what he had promised in return for granting his wish. And he shouted at her 
with so much resentment.

"All my bad memories are gone. But why... Why can't I become happy?"

Then the witch took his soul as they had promised, 
and told him this—

"Hurtful, painful memories. Memories of deep regrets. Memories of hurting others 
and being hurt. Memories of being abandoned. 
Only those with such memories buried in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate, 
and emotionally flexible. And only those can attain happiness. 
So don't forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it. 
If you don't overcome it, you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows."

(Found here: It's Okay to Not Be Okay, 2020)

19. Juni 2020

Kim Sowol

When you leave,
weary of me,
without a word 
I shall gently let you go.

12. Juni 2020

"What If We Cultivated Our Ugliness? or: The Monstrous Beauty of Medusa" by Jess Zimmermann

Medusa lost her beauty—or rather, it was taken from her. Beauty is always something you can lose. Women’s beauty is seen as something separate from us, something we owe but never own: We are its stewards, not its beneficiaries. We tend it like a garden where we do not live.

Oh, but ugliness—ugliness is always yours. Almost everyone has some innate kernel of grotesquerie; even fashion models (I’ve heard) tend to look a bit strange and froggish in person, having been gifted with naturally level faces that pool light luminously instead of breaking it into shards. And everyone has the ability to mine their ugliness, to emphasize and magnify it, to distort even those parts of themselves that fall within acceptable bounds.

Where beauty is narrow and constrained, ugliness is an entire galaxy, a myriad of sparkling paths that lurch crazily away from the ideal. There are so few ways to look perfect, but there are thousands of ways to look monstrous, surprising, upsetting, outlandish, or odd. Thousands of stories to tell in dozens of languages: the languages of strong features or weak chins, the languages of garish makeup and weird haircuts and startling clothes, fat and bony and hairy languages, the languages of any kind of beauty that’s not white. Nose languages, eyebrow languages, piercing and tattoo languages, languages of blemish and birthmark and scar. When you give up trying to declare yourself acceptable, there are so many new things to say.

10. Juni 2020

Fortesa Latifi

all my grief says the same thing: 
this isn't how it's supposed to be.
this isn't how it's supposed to be.

and the world laughs,
holds my hope by the throat,
but this is how it is.

"An Archive of Feelings" by Ann Cvetkovich

Because trauma can be unspeakable and unrepresentable and 
because it is marked by forgetting and dissociation, 
it often seems to leave behind no records at all.

9. Juni 2020

Dinner Mate, 2020

You know, our heart can be a step behind our brain.

8. Juni 2020

"Mayday" by Crush ft. Joy

7. Juni 2020

Tag des Hundes, 2020

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

I think we fucked, and maybe I should say make love, 
but maybe not because we didn't actually make love. 
It was sadder than that. We were sadder than that. 
But it wasn't bad and it wasn't wrong. It wasn't desperate. I think it was salvation.

"Before You Came" by Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Before you came, 
things were as they should be: 
the sky was the dead-end of sight, 
the road was just a road, wine merely wine. 

Now everything is like my heart, 
a color at the edge of blood: 
the grey of your absence, the color of poison, of thorns, 
the gold when we meet, the season ablaze, 
the yellow of autumn, the red of flowers, of flames, 
and the black when you cover the earth 
with the coal of dead fires. 

And the sky, the road, the glass of wine? 
The sky is a shirt wet with tears, 
the road a vein about to break, 
and the glass of wine a mirror in which the sky, 
the road, the world keep changing. 

Don't leave now that you're here— 
Stay. So the world may become like itself again: 
so the sky may be the sky, 
the road a road, 
and the glass of wine not a mirror, just a glass of wine.

6. Juni 2020

"Gut Symmetries" by Jeanette Winterson

We looked at each other, 
afraid to speak, 
afraid to load our feelings into words 
in case the words cracked and split. 
I pinned my tongue to the roof of my mouth. 
Hold in, hold in, 
one crack and the wall is breached.

5. Juni 2020

"Cecilia and the Satellite" by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness

Through all the things my eyes have seen
The best by far is you

For all the things my hands have held
The best by far is you

4. Juni 2020

I'm sick to death of this particular self. I want another.
- "Orlando" by Virginia Woolf ||

I am tired of myself tonight. I should like to be somebody else.
- "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde ||

The enormity of my desire disgusts me.
- "The War of the Foxes" by Richard Siken ||

What if I'm someone I don't want around.
- "Falling" by Harry Styles ||

1. Juni 2020

Hyena, 2020

Some people make me gag even though I try so hard to respect them.

30. Mai 2020

"The Chaos of Stars" by Kiersten White

And I'd choose you;
in a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I'd find you and I'd choose you.

29. Mai 2020

"The 5 Stages of Loving You" by Abby S

i lost you to space and time,
i nearly lost you to fate

but we were always fighters,
and so i know you'll come back to me
i know you'll come home to me

and our devotion outstrips the fairy tales,
because we were never guaranteed a happy ending

when we crash back together
the world narrows down to the sound
of a single heartbeat

(full poem here: https://fireandsteelofangels.tumblr.com/post/163661863272/i-meeting-you-when-i-saw-you-the-world-didnt)

When My Love Blooms, 2020

Let's say that we miraculously meet again.
But I'm scared...
it might be at her funeral.

24. Mai 2020

John Green

Maybe there's something
you're afraid to say,
or someone you're
afraid to love, or some-
where you're afraid
to go. It's gonna
hurt. It's gonna hurt
because it matters.

21. Mai 2020

Hyena, 2020

Yoon Hee-Jae: My day was nothing compared to yours.
Jung Geum-Ja: Physical injuries recover quickly. Emotional inquiries don't.
              [Taps on his chest, near his heart]. It lasts quite a while.

17. Mai 2020

"Transformations of the Lover" by Adonis

We bow, we meet, we pass or sit opposite each other.
You are my garments, and I am yours.
Our muscles tense.
Our skins taste like a violent sea.

[Adonis (2000):Transformations of the Lover. In: Adonis: The Pages of Day and Night (trans. Samuel Hazo).]

16. Mai 2020

"Good Thing" by Zedd with Kehlani

15. Mai 2020

Eleanor Russell

you are
your heart
on those
who do not
see it as art


14. Mai 2020

Ivan Nuru

If it's out your hands,
it deserves freedom from your mind too.

7. Mai 2020

Lost in Translation

Charlotte: I just don't know what I'm supposed to be.

Bob: You'll figure that out. The more you know who you are, and what you want,
     the less you let things upset you.


6. Mai 2020

look. i don't think my stretch marks are beautiful. i don't think they're tiger stripes or natural tattooos. i don't think my acne is beautiful. i don't think the bags under my eyes are beautiful. i just think they're human. and i don't think i have to be beautiful all of the time in order to be accepted and loved and sucessful. i don't think every small detail of my outer appearence needs to be translated into prettiness.

(found here)

1. Mai 2020

Paulo Coelho

I think it's important to realize you can miss something
but not want it back.

25. April 2020

Dr. Seuss

I am weird, you are weird.
Everyone in this world is weird.
One day two people come together in mutual weirdness and fall in love.

21. April 2020

Katherine Mansfield

You are now so fulfilled in your own being,
in being alive, in living, in aspiring towards
a greater sense of life and a deeper loving,

17. April 2020

"Alles was ich hab" von Fynn Kliemann

Ich tausch
'n bisschen Mut
gegen tolle Aussicht
Und wie das geht?
weiß ich auch nicht

Anhören: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrCQGEeasBQ

14. April 2020

"Noir" by Sunmi

11. April 2020

Neil Strauss

Perhaps the biggest mistake I made in the past was that I believed love was about finding the right person. In reality, love is about becoming the right person. Don't look for the person you want to spend your life with. Become the person you want to spend your life with.

8. April 2020

"The Sandman" by Neil Gaiman

Everybody has a secret world inside of them.
All of the people of the world,
I mean everybody.
No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside,
inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent,
wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds.
Not just one world.
Hundreds of them.
Thousands maybe.

6. April 2020

American Animals, 2018

Man(n), ich will nicht, dass du irgendwann aufwachst,
in 10 Jahren oder so, und dich fragst,
was hätte passieren können und
wer du sein könntest.
 - Warren

~ Engl. Ver. ~
Man, I don't want you waking up,
10 years from now, wondering
what could have happened and
who you could have been.
 - Warren

5. April 2020

American Animals, 2018

Hast du schon mal darüber nachgedacht,
wieso du so geboren wurdest, wie du bist?
Hier? Anstatt jemand anders zu sein?

Hast du schon mal das Gefühl gehabt, dass du
darauf wartest, dass etwas passiert? Du weißt aber
nicht auf was. Aber das.. wäre das Ereignis,
das dein Leben besonders macht.
 - Spencer

~ Engl. Ver. ~
You ever wonder, you ended being born you?
Here? And not someone else?

You ever feel like you're waiting for something to
happen? But you don't know what it is. But it is.. that
thing that could your life make special.
 - Spencer

4. April 2020

"Therapist" by Mae Muller


3. April 2020

Virginia Wolf

no need to hurry
no need to sparkle
no need to be anybody
but oneself

2. April 2020

"HELP" by 10cm

1. April 2020

"Diggers" by Terry Pratchett

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is
that people will insist on coming along and
trying to put things in it.

31. März 2020

Vincent van Gogh

Be of good heart.

29. März 2020

William Shakespeare

Love me or hate me, both are in my favour…
If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart …
If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.

25. März 2020

"Chain of Gold" von Cassandra Clare

"However what?" said Christopher. "If you haven't got
the proper clothes, I could lend you my new waistcoat. It's orange."

Anna shuddered. "Orange is not the color of seduction, Christopher.
Orange is the color of despair, and pumpkins."

24. März 2020

Dr. Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy (2006)

I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.

23. März 2020

"Leben, schreiben, atmen" von Doris Dörrie

Dein Leben ist eine einzige Aneinandereihung von Perspektivwechseln. Du kannst nicht wissen, was dein Ich von morgen über dein Leben denkt. Die "Ichs" deiner verschiedenen Lebensphasen haben verschiedene Wahrheiten, die sich nicht zu einer Wahrheit über dich zusammenfügen lassen.

22. März 2020

"It's Kind of a Funny Story" by Ned Vizzini

Sometimes I just think depression's one way of coping with the world.
Like, some people get drunk, some people do drugs, some people get depressed.
Because there's so much stuff out there that you have to do something to deal with it.

"Blue-Eyed Devil" by Lisa Kleypas

I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning
to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.

21. März 2020

Pablo Neruda

I want to do with you what
spring does with the cherry trees.

20. März 2020

Conor Oberst

I really just want to be warm yellow light
that pours over everyone I love.

17. März 2020

Constantine Spiritworker

Some days you just have to say
‘fuck it, I did what I could today’
and just let go of all the stuff
you wanted to do.
Life is too short
to be angry with yourself
for being human.

16. März 2020

Friedrich Nietzsche

Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth
because they don't want their illusions destroyed.

13. März 2020

The Umbrella Academy, 2019

Die Guten sind die gleichen Leute wie die Bösen.
Es sind alles nur Menschen, die vor sich hinleben.
Aber wenn die Welt untergeht, dann sterben sie alle.
 - Fünf/ Nummer Fünf

12. März 2020

"No Sleep | A Chill Mix" by MrSuicideSheep

Everyone suffers from sleeplessness at some point in their life. There's just so much going on nowadays, so many problems in the world and it's so overwhelming. You end up lying awake at night dreading falling asleep because then you'll wake up and have to face the world again. At the same time, I often find myself staying up late because I feel like that's the only time that I have to myself, to carve out a little peace in the day. This mix is for those moments in the night. To escape your worries for a little while and just drift away with the music.
- MrSuicideSheep

11. März 2020

"Ich freue mich" von Lina Maly

Nenn' mich gut
Nenn' mich schlecht
Es is' egal was du denkst
Lass mich los, halt mich fest

Nenn' mich falsch
Nenn' mich echt
Es is' egal was du denkst
Gib mir Mut, nimm ihn weg

Merkst du denn nicht
Dass jetzt alles neu ist
Siehst du denn nicht
Es ist vorbei und ich freue mich

Ich freu' mich
Ich freu' mich
Ich freu' mich auf die Stadt, auf den Morgen und die Nacht
Und die Lieder, die du alle nicht magst
Immer war ich wach, doch diesen Fehler mach' ich nie wieder

Schieb's auf mich
Mach' mich klein
Is' mir egal was du jetzt machst
Schlimm ist nur, wenn es so bleibt

Schließ' mich aus
Schließ' dich ein
Is' mir egal was du verpasst
Wo du bist, will ich nich' sein

Merkst du denn nicht
Dass jetzt alles neu ist
Siehst du denn nicht
Es ist vorbei und ich freue mich

Ich freu' mich
Es is' vorbei und ich freue mich
Ich freue mich
Ich freu' mich
Ich freu' mich auf die Stadt, auf den Morgen und die Nacht
Und die Lieder, die du alle nicht magst
Immer war ich wach, doch diesen Fehler mach' ich nie wieder

"Schön genug" von Lina Maly

Aber alles soll und alles muss 
Aber alles geht und jeder will 
Perfekt sein 
Perfekt sein 

Sind wir denn nie schön genug? 
Ist es hier nie schön genug? 
Sind wir denn nie schön genug? 
So wie wir sind, sind wir so viel zu schnell zu müde oder blind 

Ich wäre manchmal gerne weniger von allem 
Und trotzdem genug 
Will ohne Plan und ohne Richtung sein 
Aber irgendwie gut
Ohne Lösung, ohne Perfektion 
Und ohne aufzufallen will ich ich selber sein 
Will ich ich selber sein 


9. März 2020

Mark Groves

Walls keep everybody out.
Boundaries teach people where the door is.

4. März 2020

Rememory, 2018

Ich denke, wir sind alle Überbleibsel unserer unerfüllten Träume.
 - Carolyn Dunn

William Chapman

A great future doesn't require a great past.

2. März 2020

When The Weather Is Fine, 2020

Im Eun Seob: Eating and sleeping well is more difficult than we think.
Mok Hae Won: It is?
Im Eun Seob: It's such a basic thing, but people still have trouble with it.

1. März 2020

Nicole Addison

Go to where your heart feels the most alive.
Listen, and you will hear it calling to you.
Be mindful, and you will feel it shine.
Your heart knows where to lead you.
We must first, however, learn how to take notice.

(found here: https://www.instagram.com/nicole.addison/)

29. Februar 2020

Last Christmas, 2019

Was ist so schwer daran widersprüchlich und manchmal irrational zu sein?
Und deswegen unsicher?
Wieso muss man irgendwas sein?
 - Tom Webster

Last Christmas, 2019

Allein Mensch zu sein, ist schwer.
Wirklich schwer.
 - Tom Webster

28. Februar 2020

"Making peace with food" by Pick Up Limes

24. Februar 2020

David Brent

Life is just a series of peaks and troughs,
and you don't know whether you're in a trough until you're climbing out,
or on a peak until you're coming down.
And that's it, you know, you never know what's round the corner.
But it's all good. "If you want the rainbow
you've got to put up with the rain". Do you know
which "philosopher" said that? Dolly Parton.
And people say she's just a big pair of tits.

22. Februar 2020

Joker, 2019

  • I just hope my death makes more cents than my life.
  • The worst part of having a mental illness is 
  •   people expect you to behave as if you don't. 

20. Februar 2020

19. Februar 2020

Alan W. Watts

The meaning of life is just to be alive.
It is so plain and so obvious and so simple.
And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic
as if it were necessary to achieve something
beyond themselves.

16. Februar 2020

Little Women, 2019

Women, they have minds and they have souls as well as just hearts. And they've got ambition and they've got talent as well as just beauty, and I'm so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for. I'm so sick of it! But… I am so lonely.

14. Februar 2020


* On a personal note: I hate Valentine's Day...!

10. Februar 2020

much more

you are tougher than your demons
you are greater than the pain

6. Februar 2020

"That B*tch" by Bea Miller

5. Februar 2020

"Identity" by Keone & Mari

4. Februar 2020

Neil Strauss

Perhaps the biggest mistake I made in the past was that I believed love was about finding the right person. In reality, love is about becoming the right person. Don't look for the person you want to spend your life with. Become the person you want to spend your life with.

2. Februar 2020

1. Februar 2020

"Beving: Ala" by Joep Beving

31. Januar 2020

The biggest mistake I've ever made,
is letting someone stay in my life,
far longer than they deserve.

27. Januar 2020

Triad Princess, 2019

Over the past decade,
all we've ever talked about is work.
Have we forgotten what it feels like to be in love?

25. Januar 2020

"1 Minute" von Fynn Kliemann

"Der Rest meines Lebens" von Felix Kummer ft. Max Raabe

24. Januar 2020

"all the kids are depressed" by Jeremy Zucker

"Shantaram" by Gregory David Roberts

I still love you.
And sometimes, my friend,
the love that I have, and can't give to you,
crushes the breath from my chest.
Sometimes, even now, my heart is drowning
in a sorrow that has no stars without you,
and no laughter, and no sleep.

23. Januar 2020

20. Januar 2020

"Tired" by NIve


19. Januar 2020

Brooke Hampton

I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic,
your playlist makes you dance,
strangers make you smile,
and the night sky touches your soul.
I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive.

18. Januar 2020

"Luck" by Guest Contributor

And you are sloshing with self-loathing,
and you wish you could twist yourself like
a kitchen towel. Wring yourself out.
What were you? Were you wrong?
Was that what you were? Wrong.
Just wrong all the way through.

(read the full article here: https://entropymag.org/luck/)

16. Januar 2020

"Possessing the Secret of Joy" by Alice Walker

If you lie to yourself about your own pain,
you will be killed by those who will claim you enjoyed it.

12. Januar 2020

When a thing hurts your eyes, stop looking at it.
When it hurts your ears, stop listening to it. And
when it hurts your heart, stop justifying it.

10. Januar 2020

MTV Teen Wolf

Deaton: Things will always even out.
Scott: Like, things will always get better?
Deaton: Mhm, more like things can't always be bad.
Scott: So, no matter how bad things get...
Deaton: ...or how good...
Scott: ...they always come back to the middle.

7. Januar 2020

I wonder how much of what weighs me down is not mine to carry.

4. Januar 2020

Frank Ocean

Go for someone
who is proud
to have you.

1. Januar 2020

Virginia Woolf

Her heart was made of liquid sunsets.