30. November 2019

Frühstück für Helden (1999)

Sie müssen nicht verrückt sein,
um hier zu arbeiten, aber ... es hilft bestimmt.

29. November 2019

F. Scott Fitzgerald

There are all kinds of love in this world
but never the same love twice.

28. November 2019

Oscar Wilde

Manche verursachen Freude,
wo auch immer sie hingehen,
andere wann auch immer sie gehen.

17. November 2019

Iain Thomas

And every day,
the world will drag you by the hand,
  "This is important!
  And this is important!
  And this is important!
  You need to worry about this!
  And this!
  And this!"
And each day,
it's up to you to yank your hand back,
put it on your heart and say,
 "No. This is what’s important."

9. November 2019

Der Herr der Ringe, Die Gefährten (2001)

Ich kenn die Hälfte von euch nur halb so gut wie ich es gern möchte
und ich mag weniger als die Hälfte von euch auch nur halb so gern wie ihr es verdient.
-Bilbo Beutlin

3. November 2019

VIP (2019)

Na Jung Sun: Have you ever experienced the feeling of
             someone you thought you knew well
             suddenly becoming a complete stranger?


Song Mi Na: Isn't it a mistake to even think
            that we know another person well?
            We think that a part of the person we see
            is that someone's true self.
            Don't we all have at least one secret
            we keep from others.

Na Jung Sun: Is that so?

Song Mi Na: Isn't that the case with you?