15. März 2019

Purple Buddha Quotes

Maybe home is nothing but
two arms holding you tight
when you're at your worst.

(found here)

14. März 2019

"Baby Come Back" by Player

12. März 2019

4. März 2019

Victoria Erickson

If you inherently long for something,
become it first.
  If you want gardens, become the gardener. 
  If you want love, embody love. 
  If you want mental stimulation, change the conversation. 
  If you want peace, exude calmness. 
  If you want to fill your world with artists, begin to paint. 
  If you want to be valued, respect your own time. 
  If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. 
This is how to draw it in,
day by day,
inch by inch.

What's Wrong With Secretary Kim? (2018)

I want to be in the kind of relationship
where I feel like the tiredness of my day
gets washed off just
by hugging you once
even if you don't make
my heart flutter
every second.

Mahatma Gandhi

You never know what results will come from your action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no result.