30. März 2018

Comfortable: 50 People 1 Question


27. März 2018

Quinn King, UnREAL (2018)

So, if you want to earn real power and respect,
you're gonna have to step unto your balls and grab it.
Be your own woman.
Not someone else's bitch.

26. März 2018

22. März 2018

Weltwassertag 2018

21. März 2018

Rosalind Sedacca

I'd rather be single, in a comfortable relationship with myself,
than trapped in a dysfunctional, toxic relationship with someone else.

19. März 2018

Fight For My Way, 2017

Hwang Jang Ho: Statt an Geld, solltest du an deine Träume, deinen Einsatz oder dein Herz
               denken und dein Leben voll auskosten.
Ko Dong Man: Man kann nur träumen und seinem Herzen folgen, wenn man Geld hat.

17. März 2018

Oh My Venus, 2015

Even if you look completely fine on the outside,
it takes time to heal.
Since injuries are different from
how they look on the outside.

15. März 2018

"When It's All Over" by Raign

We search for answers
and yet we invent the questions.
What if we could see that heaven
was born with in our very souls.

We all have the power to create something from nothing.
How could this be such a secret?
Our world is dying.
But our souls are not.
The future is ours.

  1. Official Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0AqUN7HBx4
  2. Audio Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQjXNyC0liA

12. März 2018


Nobody knows how you feel inside
unless you tell them.

11. März 2018

"Queen" by Jessie J

Stop playing with your body, lady 
Stop feeling like you're not enough 
Stop feeding into the haters 
Stop and give yourself some love (woah) 
Stop staring at the mirror getting faded 
Saying you won't fall in love 
Stop trusting in those fake idiots 
Trust me they don't give a fuck (woah) 

I'm tired of seeing it 
I'm tired of feeling this 
The world says beauty is changing 
Fuck that it's fake expectation, not the real shit 
Let's get naked 
Start meditating, feel elevated and say 
I love my body, I love my skin 
I am a goddess, I am a queen 

Stop chasing all the hype, my girl 
Stop trying to change who you are 
Stop cutting yourself up on the outside (outside) 
When the inside is never scarred 
It can't be healed with something materialistic 
Can't be healed by a man who stays distant 
It's deeper 
Save yourself, before you betray yourself 

I'm tired of seeing it (so tired) 
I'm tired of feeling this (so) 
The world says beauty is changing 
Fuck that it's fake expectation, not the real shit 
Let's get naked (let's get naked) 
Start meditating, feel elevated and say 
I love my body, I love my skin 
I am a goddess, I am a queen



10. März 2018

My Love From The Star, 2013

Es gibt diesen Spruch "Hyoong Joong Saeng Jin".
Das heißt, dass ich dich so sehr vermisse, dass sich Staub in meinem Herzen sammelt.

9. März 2018

Goblin, 2016

I am always listening...
All that God does, is ask questions.
Fate is a question I ask someone.
The answer...
...is something that you must find for yourselves.

6. März 2018

"Wicked Games" by Raign


5. März 2018

"there is no such thing as a perfect heart" by k.s.

of course you're falling apart, 
darling, you're human,
and sometimes, 
humans only know 
how to crumble

4. März 2018

3. März 2018

"Damage" by Josephine Hart

Damaged people are dangerous.
They know they can survive.

1. März 2018

"Damage" by Josephine Hart

'All damaged people are dangerous. Survival makes them so.'


'Because they have no pity. They know what others can survive, as they did.'