27. Januar 2018

Anesthesia, 2015

26. Januar 2018

24. Januar 2018

23. Januar 2018


Mit leerer Hand kommst du,
mit leerer Hand gehst du.
Und zwischen Nichts und Nichts
bist du verrückt genug zu glauben,
etwas zu besitzen.

22. Januar 2018

"The Zahir" by Paul Coelho

It is always important to know when something has reached its end.
Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, 
it doesn't matter what we call it; 
what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life 
that are over.

21. Januar 2018

"Elementary" by G. Yamazawa, (NPS 2014)

I noticed that words have gravity.
I've seen them crush people.

20. Januar 2018

Tomorrow With You, 2017

Shin Se-Young: But, aren't you curious about why I don't like you?
Song Ma-Rin: I have no interest in people who don't like me.

14. Januar 2018

13. Januar 2018

"feelings are fatal" by mxmtoon

12. Januar 2018

"The Chaos of Stars" by Kiersten White

And I'd choose you;
in a hundred lifetimes, 
in a hundred worlds, 
in any version of reality, 
I'd find you and I'd choose you.

11. Januar 2018

I was the sun
 and he was the moon.
I was a desert
 and he was an island.
I was war
 and he was peace.
I was disaster
 ans he was beauty.
I was sorrow
 and he was happiness.
I was death
 and he was life.
He was my salvation,
 I was his destruction.

(found on wnq-writers)

10. Januar 2018

"Here I Am" by Jonathan Safran Foer

Nothing goes away. Not on its own. 
You deal with it, or it deals with you.

9. Januar 2018

"Imitation Of Life" by Lana Turner, 1959

I want more. 
Maybe too much. 
Don't think I want any less.

8. Januar 2018

"Company" by Tinashe