25. Oktober 2017

23. Oktober 2017

22. Oktober 2017


20. Oktober 2017

Dance Dance Dance, 13.10.2017

Prince Damien: ...Ich bin selber eine Art Paradiesvogel. Ich war immer anders als die anderen.
               Und die Menschen machen es einem unglaublich schwer so zu sein wie man ist ohne
               dass man sich dabei schlecht fühlt.

Cale: ...Und ich brauche einfach so jemanden wie dich [Prince Damien]. Ich brauche einfach
      jemanden mit dem ich mich identifizieren kann. Ich  h a s s e  das Wort "Paradiesvogel".
      Weil wenn man uns das sagt "Oh, du bist ein Paradiesvogel", dann heißt das so ja "Du bist
      talentfrei und Hauptsache du glitzerst und das ist das, was du mitbringst". Und ich sage,
      "Guck mal, wo ich heute bin. Guck mal, wo du heute bist."

19. Oktober 2017

🐳 🐳 🐳

Celebrating the 1000th post on my blog!! :) ♡

The whale in the headline is the emoji I use to motivate friends & myself and to push me further, even & especially when things get hectic. Of course, he has a name: Whale Walter.

Der Wal im Post-Titel ist mein Motivationsemoji. Und er hat auch einen Namen: Wal Walter.

My first post/ mein erster Post: http://lumennoctivagum.blogspot.de/2014/07/there-is-charm-about-forbidden-that.html.

Take care!
Viele Grüße!
Maire St. Lou

"Zerbrechliche Dinge: Geschichten & Wunder" von Neil Gaiman

Und doch ist so vieles zerbrechlich,
die Menschen zerbrechen so leicht
und mit ihnen Träume und Herzen.

18. Oktober 2017

"Ride" by Cary Brothers

If I told you you were right
Would you take my hand tonight?
If I told you the reasons why
Would you leave your life and ride?

(listen on YouTube – SoundCloud)

17. Oktober 2017

"A Feast for Crows: A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R. R. Martin

My uncle always said that 
it was the sword in a man's hand 
that determined his worth, 
not the one between his legs.

16. Oktober 2017

"The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli

There is no other way to guard yourself against flattery 
than by making men understand 
that telling you the truth will not offend you.

15. Oktober 2017

"Für immer und immer" von Prinz Pi ft. BRKN


Edgar Allan Poe

If a poem hasn't ripped apart your soul; you haven't experienced poetry.

14. Oktober 2017

Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra

People usually assume that 
I’m daddy's helpless little girl – but 
I can handle myself.

Tina Belcher, Bob’s Burgers (03x21)

I’m no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time just like everyone else.

13. Oktober 2017

Emotions – they are part of our everyday lives.
We use them when we laugh with our friends or watch a funny video,
when we feel nervous about a date or a test grade.
But why do some of us get overwhelmed?
It gets to the point where some of us wish we didn't have certain emotions
because of how much they control us.
I wish I didn't feel sadness, anger, and anxiety but no matter what I do
they are always still there.
It's important to learn to control our emotions, to push them back to
where we can stay composed and not fall apart.
We must have emotions,
if we don't

(found on tumblr)

11. Oktober 2017

William C. Hannan

all you can do
is lie in bed,
and hope
to fall asleep
you fall apart.

10. Oktober 2017

Robert Montgomery

I want to cry in your arms for a hundred years;
I want to wake up in your arms for a hundred years.

Dorothy Parker

By the time you swear you're his,
Shivering and sighing.
And he vows his passion is,
Infinite, undying.
Lady make note of this --
One of you is lying.