26. März 2017

Jessica Jones, 2015

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

25. März 2017

"Truth Is a Beautiful Thing" by London Grammar

To hold your heart, to hold your hand
Would be to me, the greatest thing
To hold your heart, hold your hand
Would be to me, the bravest thing

I wear another thought of you
With so much harm my gift to you
Hide you somewhere they don't know
Deep in my core you know you have a throne

Newt Scamander, Phantastische Tierwesen (2016)

Es ist meine Überzeugung, dass wer sich sorgt zwei Mal leidet.

Stephen King

Quiet people have the loudest minds.

9. März 2017

"Be Nobody's Darling" by Alice Walker

Be nobody's darling;
Be an outcast.
Take the contradictions
Of your life
And wrap around
You like a shawl,
To parry stones
To keep you warm.
Watch the people succumb
To madness
With ample cheer;
Let them look askance at you
And you askance reply.
Be an outcast;
Be pleased to walk alone
Or line the crowded
River beds
With other impetuous

Make a merry gathering
On the bank
Where thousands perished
For brave hurt words
They said.

But be nobody's darling;
Be an outcast.
Qualified to live
Among your dead.

3. März 2017

“Maybe” by Igor Oro

As I stand on the street corner and watch these two roads meet, I suddenly feel at peace. 
Maybe it's because at my feet lies the intersection of two distinct paths 
merging at a point of vulnerability. 
Maybe it's because it's a reminder of you and me, and the blissful bond we both shared. 
Without a care in the world, 
my arms wrapped around you to shelter you from the cold. 
Two souls kept warm by each other's company. 
Two hearts dancing in the rain playfully. 
Two minds with the same thing in mind. 
You want me to be yours and 
I want you to be mine. 
I don't know, maybe I'm crazy. 
Maybe time has finally outplayed me. 
Maybe I've stopped seeing beauty in the little things.
Maybe I've stopped appreciating the gift life brings. 
Maybe I'm in over my head. 
Or maybe I just miss the familiar contours of your body under the chalk white sheets of my bed. 
I don't know, maybe this is normal? 
Maybe I stopped being myself after you left. 
Maybe this is all a test. 
Maybe I failed and I couldn't clean up the mess. 
Maybe that's why the rain suddenly feels colder on my skin. 
Maybe that's why whenever I try to apologize I don't know where to begin or where to end. All these things I've typed up in my mind and I wanna tell you but I just can't bring myself to hit send. 
Maybe I fucked up and I won't admit it. 
Maybe I'm a coward. 
Seems like I've got all the time in the world, maybe I should do something about it. I mean, every minute without you feels like an hour. 
Maybe I'm a fool for distancing myself from you. 
Maybe that's why I couldn't admit that I loved you, 
because for some reason, 
I couldn't except that maybe, 
just maybe, 
you might have loved me too.

(first found here)
(Original YouTube  Video)
(also: Vimeo version)