31. Oktober 2016

Only fools fall in love and I guess I'm one of them.

25. Oktober 2016

Michael Crichton, 2008

Human beings interact with complex systems very successfully. We do it all the time. But we do it by managing them, not by claiming to understand them.

21. Oktober 2016

Erhard Horst Bellermann

Man sollte den Zweck anbeten.
Er heiligt die Mittel.

Thom Yorke

I want to be alone and I want people to notice me - both at the same time.

20. Oktober 2016

William H. Woodwell Jr.

People think they know you. They think they know how you're handling a situation. But the truth is no one knows. No one knows what happens after you leave them, when you're lying in bed or sitting over your breakfast alone and all you want to do is cry or scream. They don't know what's going on inside your head — the mind-numbing cocktail of anger and sadness and guilt. This isn't their fault. They just don't know. And so they pretend and they say you're doing great when you're really not. And this makes everyone feel better. Everybody but you.

19. Oktober 2016

F. Scott Fitzgerald

I wish I could I write. I get these ideas but I never seem to be able to put them into words.

18. Oktober 2016

Arthur Schopenhauer

Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt.

Meister Eckhart

Und plötzlich weißt du: Es ist Zeit, etwas Neues zu beginnen und dem Zauber des Anfangs zu vertrauen.

14. Oktober 2016

Jules François Felix Fleury-Husson

Eine dösende Katze ist das Abbild perfekter Seligkeit.

13. Oktober 2016

Jalal al-Din Rumi

I once had a thousand desires,
But in my one desire to know you,
all else melted away.

12. Oktober 2016

Jonathan Safran Foe

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

4. Oktober 2016


Your heart is free.
Have the courage to follow it.

"Ozean" von Gerard

Als du mich fallen gelassen hast,
hab ich fliegen gelernt.

2. Oktober 2016

Stella Gibson, The Fall (2016)

Men always think in terms of fight or flight. In fact, the most common instinct in the face of this kind of threat is to freeze. If she didn't fight, if she didn't scream, if she was silent and numb, it's because she was petrified. If she went with him quietly, it's because she was afraid for her life. And not just her life - yours and Nancy's and the baby's. In that state of fear she might well have been compliant. She might well have submitted. But that does not mean she consented.