29. Mai 2016

House of Cards

Auch der letzte Weg beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt.

"Welt der Wunder" von Marteria

Denn wir leben auf einem Blauen Planeten
Der sich um einen Feuerball dreht
Mit 'nem Mond der die Meere bewegt
Und du glaubst nicht an Wunder
Und du glaubst nicht an Wunder
Und ein Schmetterling schlägt seine Flügel
Die ganze Erdkugel bebt
Wir haben überlebt
Und du glaubst nicht an Wunder
Und du glaubst nicht an Wunder

26. Mai 2016

"Atlas still stands but does anyone else?" by Darshana S.

Tell me, Atlas.
What is heavier:

The world or its people's hearts?

24. Mai 2016

"In deinen Armen" von Casper ft. Amaris

Bin nicht der beste Mensch,
doch immer da für dich,
wenn du mich brauchst.

23. Mai 2016

Sufjan Stevens

On the sheet I see your horizon
All of me pressed onto you
But in this light you look like Poseidon
I’m just a ghost you walk right through

22. Mai 2016

"Shake" by The Head And The Heart

Well the ink in my pen ran dry
Long before your smile
And the pages have always been blank
Like the trees in the wild

21. Mai 2016

Sierra Kid

Du bist
immer da,
aber nie

19. Mai 2016

James Taylor

You have to choose whether to love yourself or not.

17. Mai 2016

The Musketeers, 2016

The day you die,
is just like every other day.
You wake and dress and eat and drink
just like every other day.
You don't see death coming
or hear its approach
because you are too busy living
too busy enjoying your life
sating your appetites.
Rich man or begger
it does not discriminate.
Death doesn't care about fleeing your demons
or making amends for them.
It doesn't care about any of that.
It only cares that this is your time,
your day
to die.

Dead Poets Society

Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Don’t be resigned to that. Break out!

"Why Walking Helps Us Think" by Ferris Jabr

Perhaps the most profound relationship between walking, thinking, and writing reveals itself at the end of a stroll, back at the desk. There, it becomes apparent that writing and walking are extremely similar feats, equal parts physical and mental. When we choose a path through a city or forest, our brain must survey the surrounding environment, construct a mental map of the world, settle on a way forward, and translate that plan into a series of footsteps. Likewise, writing forces the brain to review its own landscape, plot a course through that mental terrain, and transcribe the resulting trail of thoughts by guiding the hands. Walking organizes the world around us; writing organizes our thoughts. Ultimately, maps like the one that Nabokov drew are recursive: they are maps of maps.

(full article)

Sufjan Stevens

I love you more than the world can contain in its lonely and ramshackle head.

16. Mai 2016

Sylvia Plath

I know pretty much what I like and dislike;
but please, don't ask me who I am.

13. Mai 2016

Henry David Thoreau

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.

Henry David Thoreau

It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look. To affect the quality of the day that is the highest of arts.

11. Mai 2016

"Walden" by Henry David Thoreau

As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.

10. Mai 2016

"Me, Myself & I" by G-Easy x Bebe Rexha

Oh, it's just me, myself and I
Solo ride until I die
'Cause I got me for life
Oh I don't need a hand to hold
Even when the night is cold
I got that fire in my soul

I don't need anything to get me through the night
Except the beat that's in my heart
Yeah, it's keeping me alive
(Keeps me alive)
I don't need anything to make me satisfied (you know)
'Cause the music does me good and it gets me every time

8. Mai 2016

Henry David Thoreau

Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves.

Henry David Thoreau

My desire for knowledge is intermittent; but my desire to bathe my head in atmospheres unknown to my feet is perennial and constant.

7. Mai 2016

i have never been magnificent.
i am not made of greatness.
i have been selfish. unkind.
they won’t remember me as a king.
but they’ll remember she was the queen.

she wasn’t the kind of queen from storybooks.
she wasn’t good; she wasn’t soft.
she was persephone – queen of the underworld,
a trail of blood and death in her wake
and yet, still.
she was the most beautiful weapon i’ve ever seen up close.

she was a conquerer.
she was a storm.
she was terrifying in all the right ways.

and just like all others that have crossed her path,
i bow to her.

i will follow her
into war and peace alike

until i am no more.

(found on tumblr)

adrian michael

something inside of you
intentionally seduces me.
i am addicted to your magic.

Jessica Michelle

he wanted more than her
body. he wanted her words.
to him, they were music. he
would string them together.
writing the most enchanting
lullaby. they were the only
thing that could soothe his
lost soul.

"White is for Witching" by Helen Oyeyemi

But then, maybe “I don’t believe in you” is the cruelest way to kill a monster.

"your fall was not an accident. you were chosen for the damned" by c.k

They say that the loveliest angels 
make the cruelest demons
and my darling,
you were so kind and beautiful
before they dragged you to hell

"Volcano" by Woodkid


5. Mai 2016


They told me that if you repeat something over and over, that it will lose it's meaning.
So I stayed up a hundred nights, whispering your name until my voice was raw, hoping that tonight would be the night I'd stop loving you.

3. Mai 2016

Samuel Beckett

Words are the clothes thoughts wear.

Schuyler Peck

I know it’s dangerous to think like this, but a big part of me wonders what would have happened if you just said you were sorry; that you never meant to hurt me. How different do you think things might have been?

1. Mai 2016

I refuse to let this pain make me bitter. I refuse to let these battle wounds make me hard.