24. Februar 2016

Ägyptisches Sprichwort

Wer mit einer Katze spielt,
muss wissen, dass sie auch Krallen hat.

21. Februar 2016

"A Broken Heart Still Beats" by The Rigs

Smile at the crowd
but I know you're lonely
To say it out loud
is to admit that you're beat
I know the truth
and I know your secrets
It might not be safe
but danger is sweet
The truth is a broken heart still beats


"The One" by Lang Leav

I don't want you to love me because I'm good for you,
because I say and do all the right things. Because I am
everything you have been looking for.
I want to be the one you didn't see coming. The one who gets
under your skin. Who makes you unsteady. Who makes you
question everything you have ever believed about love. I
want to be the one who makes you feel reckless and out of
control; the one you are infuriatingly and inexplicably
drawn to.
I don't want to be the one who tucks you into bed; I want to
be the reason why you can't sleep at night.

"Dirty Pretty Things" by Michael Faudet

She was the kind of girl
who loved to stretch out under the sheets,
eating chocolate,
and fucking on rainy afternoons.

"Memories" by Lang Laev

It was words that I fell for. In the end, it was words that broke my heart.

17. Februar 2016

"Devil's Playground" by The Rigs


"Spit It Out" by IAMX

And if you’re hurting, I will replace the noise with silence instead, flushing out your head.
If you like it violent, we can play rough and tumble, fall into bed, and I won’t breathe so you can recover.


16. Februar 2016

Gabourey Sidibe

One day I decided that I was beautiful, and so I carried out my life as if I was a beautiful girl. I wear colors that I really like, I wear makeup that makes me feel pretty, and it really helps. It doesn’t have anything to do with how the world perceives you. What matters is what you see. Your body is your temple, it’s your home, and you must decorate it.

14. Februar 2016

Ruby Wax

How come every other organ in your body can get sick and you get sympathy, except your brain?

13. Februar 2016

"Romancing Mister Bridgerton" by Julia Quinn

Deep inside, she knew who she was, and that person was smart and kind and often even funny, but somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.

12. Februar 2016

Bill Murray

There's only one person you're guaranteed to spend the rest of your life with… yourself. Don't live the rest of your life with an asshole.

11. Februar 2016

"Nachtzug nach Lissabon" von Pascal Mercier

Ich will nicht, dass mich jemand ganz versteht. Ich will unerkannt durchs Leben gehen. Die Blindheit der anderen ist meine Sicherheit und meine Freiheit.

8. Februar 2016

Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.

7. Februar 2016

If they can't make you laugh then don't fuck them.

4. Februar 2016

Ijeoma Umebinyuo

Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just…start.

3. Februar 2016

"Pills" by The Perishers

One may think we're alright
But we need pills to sleep at night
We need lies to make it through the day
We're not okay