30. Juli 2015

Elie Borowski

The future of mankind has its roots in the past, and only through understanding our history can we build a better future.

29. Juli 2015

Nizar Qabbani

The female doesn’t want a rich man or a handsome man or even a poet, she wants a man who understands her eyes if she gets sad, and points to his chest and say : "Here is your home country."

William Leal

It's all messy:
The hair. The bed.
The words. The heart.

27. Juli 2015

"Der Besuch der alten Dame" von Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Die Welt machte mich zu einer Hure,
nun mache ich sie zu einem Bordell.

-Claire Zachanassian

25. Juli 2015


Für einen guten Ruf zahlt man
gewöhnlich zu viel - nämlich
sich selber.

24. Juli 2015

"The Undomestic Goddess" by Sophie Kinsella

You don't always have to
know who you are.
You don't have to
have the big picture.
Sometimes it's enough
just to know what you're going
to do next.

23. Juli 2015

Stephen King

Books are uniquely portable magic.

N. T.

You are meant to fight. When you are sick, your body fights for its right to function. When you hold your breath, your body fights for its right to breathe. There are billions of tiny events—from the surface of your skin, down to the very cells of your body—that have to happen in order for you to be simply sitting here today. If your most minuscule parts haven’t given up yet,

Why should you?

9. Juli 2015

Friedrich Nietzsche

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.

8. Juli 2015

Gilbert K. Chesterton

The traveler sees what he sees,
the tourist sees what he has come to see.

Gerd Mattenklott

Man will auf Reisen
gerne mehr sein als nur
man selbst, man will ein
anderer sein.

Francis Bacon

in the younger sort,
is a part of education;
in the elder,
a part of experience.

J.G. Hamann

When I rest my feet
my mind also ceases
to function.

Alessandro Morandotti

L'unico viaggio irrinunciabile è l'esplorazione dell'io.

Hans-Horst Skupy

Urlaubsgepäck –
gebündelte Illusionen.

7. Juli 2015

Pacey Witter, Dawson’s Creek

Wanna know something, Miss Josephine Potter? I think the world may just surprise you yet. I mean, you fall in love, it doesn’t work out and you think that it’ll never happen again. But it does. Believe me, it does. In the strangest of places.