26. Mai 2015

"Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte

Why, then, should we ever sink overwhelmed with distress, when life is so soon over, and death is so certain an entrance to happiness - to glory?

25. Mai 2015

Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t have to, it’s not for them.

Henry David Thoreau

What lies ahead of us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when you bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.

Dave Willis

Be an encourager.
The world has plenty of critics already.

Kid President

Give people a high five just for getting out of bed in the morning, being a person is hard sometimes.
Confidence isn’t walking into a room with your nose in the air, and thinking you are better than everyone else, it’s walking into a room and not having to compare yourself with anyone in the first place.

Harvey Specter, SUITS

Would you like me to thank your face with my fist?
find someone
who knows
you're sad
just by the change
of tone in your

be with someone
who loves the
feature that
you hate the most

fall in love with
someone who
looks at you and
knows they don't
want anyone else

The Mad Hatter, OUAT

You know what the issue is with this world..
Everyone wants some magical solution for their problem...
And everyone refuses to believe in magic.

24. Mai 2015

"The Gift: Poems by Hafez the Great Sufi Master" by Daniel Ladinsky

Even after all this time
the sun never says to the earth,
you owe me.
Look what happens with a love like that.
It lights the whole sky.

23. Mai 2015

Wiz Khalifa

Never make
permanent decisions on
temporary feelings.

22. Mai 2015

Sì alla forza
Sì alla libertà
Sì ai sogni
Sì all'amore
Sì a me stessa

[Werbung des Parfums "Sì" von Girgio Armani]

19. Mai 2015

"The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human" by Jonathan Gottschall

Most people think of fiction as a wildly creative art form. But this just shows how much creativity is possible inside a prison.

"The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human" by Jonathan Gottschall

Memories are often pruned and shaped by an ego-enhancing bias that blurs the edges of past events, softens culpability, and distorts what really happened.

"The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human" by Jonathan Gottschall

As the video game designer and writer James Wallis puts it, “Human beings like stories. Our brains have a natural affinity not only for enjoying narratives and learning from them but also for creating them. In the same way that your mind sees an abstract pattern and resolves it into a face, your imagination sees a pattern of events and resolves it into a story.

"The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human" by Jonathan Gottschall

The storytelling mind is allergic to uncertainty, randomness, and coincidence. It is addicted to meaning. If the storytelling mind cannot find meaningful patterns in the world, it will try to impose them. In short, the storytelling mind is a factory that churns out true stories when it can, but will manufacture lies when it can’t.

"The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human" by Jonathan Gottschall

We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.

"Jakob der Knecht" von Isaac Bashevis Singer

Was trägt ein weißes Kleid,
Ist schwarz die Läng und Breit,
Bleibt sprechend stumm allzeit?

Antwort: Brief.

Oscar Wilde

Am Ende wird alles gut!
Wenn es nicht gut ist,
ist es noch nicht
das Ende!

10. Mai 2015

Dear 6,

please stop spreading
rumors about me
eating 9. You
shouldn't be talking.
I hear you guys do
some pretty nasty


7. Mai 2015

Mark Twain

You can't depend on your eyes
when your imagination
is out of focus.

6. Mai 2015

The best love is the one that makes you a better person,
without changing you into someone other than yourself.

5. Mai 2015

"You Learn" by Jorge Luis Borges

After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,

And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning
And company doesn’t mean security.

And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
And presents aren’t promises,

And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes open
With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child,

And you learn to build all your roads on today
Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn…
That even sunshine burns if you get too much.

So you plant your garden and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure…

That you really are strong

And you really do have worth…

And you learn and learn…

With every good-bye you learn.

3. Mai 2015

August Rush (2007)

The music is all around us... all we have to do.. is listen.

2. Mai 2015

“You can’t love someone unless you love yourself first.”
I have never loved myself.
But you
Oh god, I loved you so much
I forgot what hating myself felt like.

-(found on tumblr)